photofacial laser treatment
Photofacials are non-invasive treatments that use different wavelengths of light emitting devices to treat skin pigmentation and redness. If you are over 30, enjoy an active lifestyle, or simply spend hours on the playground with your children, a Photofacial might be right for you.
Photofacial is the answer for patients who seek a non-invasive laser treatment for:
- reduction of the signs of early aging like age spots, brown pigmentation
- reduction of broken capillaries, red flushing skin
Available Wavelengths:
515-950nm IPL for superficial vascular lesions
540-950nm IPL for vascular and pigmented lesions
570-950nm IPL for skin rejuvenation
780-950nm IPL for skin tightening
- 755nm PicoSure Laser for Pigmented lesions and Fine lines
- Pump Dye Laser 585nm for rejuvenation, port-wine stains and other cutaneous vascular lesions
- Cynergy MultiPlex™ Laser 585/1046 for rejuvenation, pigmented lesions, and cutaneous vascular lesions
Photofacial sessions are only minimally discomforting and a topical anesthetic is not needed. With no downtime, IPL's and Laser technologies are ideal for today's active lifestyles.
At the International Vein & Skin Institute, we don't just provide cosmetic procedures for a variety of skin conditions. We also have over 25 years of hands on laser experience. Give us a call today to get started. Call: (847) 518-9999
Disclaimer: Every patient is unique; therefore cosmetic results can vary between patients. No two laser treatments will get same results – even if performed by same physician on patients with similar conditions.