Scars are natural progression of acne
When treating post acne scars, we need to take into consideration two factors:
color and texture.
- Color: Redness is what you mostly see when you take a closer look at teenagers with acne or acne scars. Often, patients will be immensely satisfied with their results after only correcting redness.
- Texture: Any attempt of skin resurfacing with ablative laser in order to improve skin texture should be avoided in patients with active acne present as it will cause the aggravation of the existing condition.
- Take care of your active acne. This might be done with the use of topical regimen, use of oral medications, Micro I&D of cystic lesions, photodynamic therapy, or series of broadband light sources like AFT /IPL, or combination of any of these methods. Your provider will develop a treatment plan during your first evaluation.
2. Reduce redness. Redness reduction is a social life saver for most patients.
3. Improve skin texture
REDNESS: When only reduction of excessive redness within scars is needed, Cynergy PDL laser by Cynosure offers the most powerful treatments in fewer sessions, safe for all genders and ages.
IPL technology with 515-950nm & 540-950nm wavelengths, is also offered, however it is not safe for use on hair bearing areas, might result if permanent hair reduction.
TEXTURE: Deep Acne Scars have been treated with chemical peels and ablative resurfacing
for decades, until
PicoSure Laser revolutionized treatments of post acne scars.
PicoSure FocusTM Laser
uses ultra-short pulses of laser light to reach deeply into the skin’s
sub-layers, treating the support structure. This controlled injury jump
starts your skin's natural reparation mechanisms to rebuild collagen and elastin.
- PicoSure Laser will allow you to return immediately to your regular daily life. Redness and tenderness of the treated area fades away within 1-3 hours post procedure! Most of our patients do not feel any discomfort by the time they head back home after the treatment. For some patient with sensitive skin redness might linger for up to 24 hours after procedure.
- Acne scars will begin to show some improvement in 2 treatments, at minimum series of 3-5, treatments is recommended for visible aesthetic results.
- Topical anesthetic may be applied applied in-office an hour before the procedure to increase patient comfort. Most people will not need any anesthetic before undergoing their procedure.
SKIN RESURFACING: Patients looking for even more aggressive treatment can still opt out for ablative fractional resurfacing.
- iPixel ultrapulse CO2 fractional laser
- Erbium 2940mn fractional laser with Pixel stamping technology
Keep in mind that each patient is different, and might require combinations of different treatment modalities
- Lasers are not “Magic Erasers” multiple treatments are need to see results
- Lasers do not cure/treated underlying conditions causing acne, redness, flushing, skin pigmentation.
- Inflammatory papulopustular eruptions on your skin may be caused by different skin diseases. As always, it is crucial to properly diagnose a patient before recommending any laser or pharmacologic treatment.
Call our clinic today to schedule your appointment.
Call: (847) 518-9999
Disclaimer: Every patient is unique; therefore cosmetic results can vary between patients. No two laser treatments will get same results – even if performed by same physician on patients with similar conditions.