Destruction of Skin Tags by CO2 Laser
Skin Tags are soft fibromas that usually appear on the folds of eyelids, neck and axilla, under breast, on groin or thighs. It is unclear what cause them. Extremely common in general population, have tendency to appear out of nowhere. Most skin tags don’t cause symptoms however, they can get inflamed, become painful or bleed when caught in or pulled by clothing, undergarments, jewelry or exposed to constant rubbing.
When to REMOVE Skin Tags
- When they get irritated by clothing or jewelry
- They cause discomfort during daily activities, work, sport, hobbies
- Interfere with hygiene or grooming
- Cosmetics reasons
- Whey they swell up and become red and painful after at home treatment
There are multiple treatments for skin tags advertised online and available even at grocery stores. Various OTC products being recommended to patients seeking advice at local pharmacies.
Bleeding, unsightly scaring, severe swelling and inflammation, incomplete tag removal and damage of nearby healthy, infected wounds, severely painful swollen tags… we have seen it all, complications arising from methods tried by patients at home.
OTC product always advise to “call your doctor if complications occur” instead they should say “please go to your doctor if you need skin tags removed”
Your doctor is the only one who can properly evaluate and diagnose skin tags, to make sure to rule out any other condition that might look alike, such as moles, warts, skin cancer and seborrheic keratosis or other skin diseases.
Dr. Jozef Tryzno has been diagnosing and treating skin tag since 1998
Ablation with CO2 laser, makes this a great treatment option to consider
Ablation oF skin tags with CO2 Laser
Traditional methods of skin tags removal involve cutting off with surgical
scissors, zapping with electrical coagulator or freezing. Each of these
treatments has own disadvantages, from excessive bleeding in cuts with
scissors, inflammation and tenderness of tags, scarring or surrounding
tissue post freezing, to incomplete removal are the most common complications
we see in patients coming for second opinion.
Over the years we have proven that use of CO2 laser for skin tag removals has multiple benefits:
- Does not involve bleeding during and post procedure
- Reduces amount of bleeding ( with big tags) post procedure,
- Laser destruction allows us evaporate the base of the tag which prevents future regrowth.
- Decreases post-operative discomfort
Laser destruction of small skin tags does not require injection of anesthetic. For sensitive areas like face and eyelids, a numbing cream is applied for 45 min prior to procedure. For procedures done on neck, axilla and upper trunk no anesthetic is needed. Procedure itself feels like “tiny stings on the skin.” Use of cream anesthetic is always an option and decided individually with each patient.
Postoperative Care
It is important that you follow your provided postoperative instructions after your procedure to ensure the best possible results. Including these few essential rules:
- Keep post procedure sites moisturized ONLY with provided ointment
- No rubbing, no scrubbing, pat-dry with towel only
- No makeup for first few days after procedure, if face treated
- Avoid sun exposure of healing skin to prevent hyperpigmentation.
Can Skin Tags GROWe back after treatment?
Skin tags are unlikely to re-grow after laser destruction, however it might be possible to develop new ones.
Some tags are viral in nature and new lesions will start forming sooner or later if preventive steps are not taken.
Some people are genetically predisposed to this condition. If you only have had several tags over the years your chances of long-lasting benefits are much higher than for patient with hundreds of spreading tiny lesion.
One way or the other few yeas should pass by, before you need another procedure.
If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment do not
hesitate to reach out
Call: (847) 518-9999
Disclaimer: Every patient is unique; therefore, cosmetic results can vary
between patients. No two laser treatments will get same results –
even if performed by same physician on patients with similar conditions.