Laser Vein Ablation (EVLA)
Endo Venous Laser Treatment (EVLT) also known as
Endo Venous Laser Ablation (EVLA) is one of the most recommended treatments for varicose veins , due to cost-effectiveness
and very high success rate. During this minimally invasive in-office treatment,
a thin laser fiber is inserted into the varicose vein via a needle or
introducer through the skin. Local anesthetic is injected into saphenous
compartment, along the length of the vein. This “liquid padding”
around the vein protects nearby nerves and tissue, from heat created by
ablation and numbs the entire treated area. Pulses of laser light are
delivered to the damaged vein, which causes the vein to seal shut and
be cut off from blood circulation.
After 20+ years since procedure was first approved, EVLA laser vein closure appears to be the best first time, treatment option for closure of Saphenous Veins, on the market today.
- Following the procedure, a gradient compression stocking is placed on the treated leg and the patient is asked to walk around our office for 10-15 minutes.
- Most patients are able to return to normal daily activities immediately after procedure
- Patients whose work involves constant squatting, climbing ladders, scaffolding, roofers etc might need to refrain from certain activities
What to Expect:
- Some tenderness and mild-to-moderate pain are to be expected for 2-3 days after your procedure, depending on the size of the vein. These are usually not significant enough to prevent normal activities
- Vein tightening/pulling sensation, when standing up form sitting position - this you will start feeling in the treated area about 5 -7 days after laser procedure, it goes away after you stretch the leg and reoccurs each time after prolonged immobilization
- Some skin inflammation might occur, if the treated vein runs close under the skin, usually medial thigh
- Bruising will occur in the treated area, and will persist for several days
Pain and Discomfort can be controlled using over-the-counter pain medications:
- Tylenol or Extra-Strength Tylenol can be taken in 1-2 tablet doses every 4-6 hours to alleviate pain
- Avoid the Following Medications. :Aspirin, Nuprin, Ibuprofen (Advil). They are blood-thinners, and can lead to excessive bruising
- Home remedies for bruising: Eat fresh Pineapple and Papaya- these fruits rich in vitamin C fruits , contain enzyme called Bromelain which may help reduce severity and duration of bruising
Compression Stockings:
- Both stockings should be worn for the first 24-72 hours after procedure, as advised by Dr Tryzno
- Remove one stocking at night for sleeping
- Avoid elevating your legs while wearing compression stockings
When Legs Ache or Throb during standing or sitting for prolonged time:
- Walking or leg exercise by moving your feet up and down will stimulate blood circulation and are advised to alleviate discomfort
For a week after your procedure:
- Walk several times per day
- Avoid vigorous exercise, heavy lifting. and prolonged standing or sitting while motionless
- Avoid air prolonged travel, Afterwards, compression stockings should be worn while flying, along with keeping legs and feet intermittently active.
Hot baths, hot tubs, and saunas should not be used for at least a month after your procedure, Hot water could cause dilation in veins, leading to worsening of effects
Contact our office today to get started.
Call: (847) 518-9999
Disclosure: Every patient is unique, therefore results can vary between patients. No two treatments will get same results – even if performed by same physician on patients with similar conditions.